The ITR is packed with features that will help you in your daily operation. It is a proven technology and best of breed solution for your testing needs that to our opinion outclasses a lot of commercial competitors. The ITR was released in 2018 and is a complete rebuilt of our first internet based system, ITS (Internet Test System) released in 2006. Before this ITS we developed a Windows based version released in 2000. Another windows and MS-DOS based version preceded that. You will benefit from this extensive experience of more than 30 years of building test systems.
Would you like to learn more? Contact us for a call with one of our sales consultants.
ITR session management
With the ITR session management you can setup and manage test sessions. A test session is a specific sitting in which a single candidate takes one or more tests.
Feature | Your advantage |
Instant session progress overview | The ‘home screen’ of the ITR contains an instant overview of prepared, in progress and done sessions. |
Live session view | When a session is in progress you can monitor the session progress. As soon as a test in the session is complete the results are available for reporting |
Full session process support | The complete process from creating a session to reporting a session is embedded in the home screen and focussed for the easiest session setup process possible. |
E-mail a candidate | During the creation of a session the candidate can be sent an e-mail with the login details for their session. E-mails can be template based or changed as needed. |
Single or multiple tests | You can ask the candidate to fill in a single test or multiple tests. There is no limit to the amount of tests in a session. |
Change in progress session | Would you like to add a test to an in progress session? No problem ! |
Session audit trail | What happened to the session can be instantly viewed. Has the candidate started the session and when? When was the test reported on and by who? These questions can all be answered with the audit trail. |
Instant score overview | When a test in the session is done and the session is opened all scores of all tests are immediately calculated and normed. Results are always fresh. |
Change or view responses to a test | Responses given by a candidate can be viewed and even changed when you want. The test will automatically be rescored and renormed. |
Convenient access to reports | From the test overview the test reports can be easily accessed with the click of a button. The report being viewed can be changed by one gesture if multiple reports are available. |
Report editing | A report generated by the system can be changed by you to reflect your opinion of the candidate. The system will save the report. And it will allow you to compare the report with the unaltered report so you can always see what changes were made. |
Automatic login creation | A login code is automatically created for a candidate when needed. And automatically removed when no longer needed. No need for you to do that. |
Login again after closing the browser or logout | When the candidate is taking a test and gets tired of taking the test, logs out, closes the browser or experiences a power failur, then the candidate can log in again with the supplied credentials and resume the test where they left off. All results are remembered. |
Downloading a session archive | An archive file of the session can be downloaded from the system. You can store this ZIP file anywhere you want. The archive will contain all session data. So the original session can be removed from the ITR, keeping your system safe and in accordance with privacy regulations. |
Archiving a session | In case you want to keep the session in your system then you can archive the session. The login of the candidate is then automatically evaluated and removed when there are no more active sessions for the candidate to take. An archived session is no longer visible in the default views but can be accessed from the ITR menu. |
Removing a test from a session | Like adding a test to the session, tests can be removed as well. When the last test is removed from the session the session itself will be automatically deleted as well. |
Managing in progress tests | When a test is in progress and the candidate is no longer able to finish the test you can push the test to done. You can then evaluate the results, even though they may be incomplete. All results given will then be included in the scoring and norming. The same applies when you want the candidate to restart the test completely. You have an option to restart the test. Results already entered will be removed. And the candidate needs to start the test from scratch again. |
Session completion notification | When the session is done you will receive an e-mail with the session name if you want to. |
Session begin and end date | You can specify the date when the session can be started. You can also specify the date when the session no longer can be taken. You can een specify an end time. The system will allow the candidate to finish the last question and will then end the test at this specific time. |
ITR group sessions
Group sessions allow you to setup and manage a test session for a group of people. This can for example be a department, a specific customer or a classroom.
Feature | Your advantage |
Comprehensive overview of group sessions | Easy to use overview of your group session. Add persons and test to your group session quickly. |
Auto expand to person sessions | The group session will automatically expand to person sessions when saved. The person sessions are like normal sessions in the system and have all the functionalities as described in the table above this table. |
Overview of passwords | If you are allowed to view candidate passwords then you can generate an overview of the passwords in the group for easy sharing. For example in classroom situations. |
Cut & paste from outlook | Cut & paste email adresses directly from outlook to register your candidates. Candidates that alreay exist will automatically be recognised. |
Invite the entire group by e-mail | With a single click you can generate an e-mail and invite all group members |
Group archive download | For the group you can download a single archive file containing all results from all group members. |
Archiving group sessions | When you archive a group session all related person session wil be archived as well |
Automatic candidate login management | Just like with normal sessions the ITR will automatically create an account for your candidates. in case you delete the group session or archive it the accounts will be automatically removed when no longer needed. |
Overiew of generated sessions | An overview of all generated person sessions is available where you can immediately see who has started and who has finished their session |
Session completion notification | Just like with a normal session you can receive an e-mail when the session is done. |
Session validity | Just like with a normal session you can specify a start date and an end date and time. |
ITR public sessions
A public session contains one or more tests that can be taken by anybody on the internet or on your intranet without logging in. This is often used in research situations or for surveys.
Feature | Your advantage |
Add one or more tests | A public session can present one or more tests to the candidate meaning that more complex test setups are possible |
Show report after session | A report can be shown to the candidate after completing the test. This report wil provide feedback to the candidate and can present a marketing or contact opprortunity for you. |
Easy URL retrieval | By clicking on a button a URL is generated for you which you can then use on you website or share via e-mail. |
Overview of filled in sessions | An overview of filled in sessions can be accessed. They have all functionalities as any ITR session. And the same look an feel. |
Archive download | For the public session you can download a single archive file containing all results from all sessions. This includes a data file in JSON format with all the data for analysis. |
Ticket support | If you give out tickets with which user can claim money or some other form of prize for filling in the test then these tickets are included in a special file in the archive download. With this information you can then pay your candidates. |
Session completion notification | Just like with a normal session you can receive an e-mail when the session is done. |
Session validity | Just like with a normal session you can specify a start date and an end date and time. |
ITR candidate management
The system manages the candidates and logins for you automatically. Candidates that you created will remain stored in the system for later reuse. The password of the candidate is remembered as well so that in follow up test sessions your candidate does not need to enter a different password.
Feature | Your advantage |
Candidate overview | Via the ITR menu you can access a list of candidates that are either active or archived. Archived candidates have previously taken a session in the system. |
Access sessions for a candidate | The sessions in the system are all registered per candidate. With this option you can view and access all sessions for this candidate. |
Easy cleanup of archived candidates | With one click you can delete archived candidates from your system. If they still have archived sessions attached you have the option to remove the candidates including their sessions from your system. |
View password | If you are allowed to you can view the password of the candidate |
Change password | You can change the password of the candidate and send an e-mail to the candidate with the new password |
View and change candidate details | You can view and change candidate details like login name, name, birth date, age et cetera. |
ITR test batteries
Test batteries are used to pre define a set of tests with their norms you can add to a session.
Feature | Your advantage |
Manage batteries | You can add as many batteries as you need |
Add tests to batteries | You can add one or more tests to a battery and pre-define the norms used on a battery. |
Active battery management | If you do not want to use a battery at this moment you can easily deactivate it, or at a later moment re-activate it. |
Instantly available | A battery that is created (and active) is instantly available to candidates that login to the system. |
ITR user management
Feature | Your advantage |
Create consultants | You can create as many consultants as you need. |
Consultant roles | You can assign a role to a candidate. Roles determine the rights you have in the system. There are many roles that are targeted toward business functions. For example : Create and edit tests. |
Consultant limitations | You can limit consultant rights. You can for example limit the right of a consultant to view only the sessions and candidates they created themselves. Or limit a user to only be able to add test batteries to a session, which reduces the amount of mistakes a consultant can make when setting up a session. |
Personal credit pool | When you use commercial (paid) tests you will consume credits in the system per test. A credit unit represent a certain value in digital format, it is an ITR bitcoin equivalent. Credits are available for your organisation, but if you do not want a consultant to be able to use up your organisations credits entirely you can setup a personal credit pool for this consultant limiting the amount of credits this consultant can use from your organisations credits. |
External API key | In case you use the external API you will need a user that is allowed to use this external API. This requires user id, password and an API key for access. The API key is generated here. |
ITR test catalog
Feature | Your advantage |
Access a list of available test | You can view the list of available tests in your system including possible test costs (for commercial tests) |
View test manual | For most tests some form of test manual is available in the sytem. You can read and access the test manual via the test catalog. |
Access any other test manual related files | Any other files that are provided by the test builder can be accessed here as well. |
ITR test research support
With the test research option you can download data in your system for further analysis.
Using test research is optional.
Feature | Your advantage |
Download data from your system | Dowload data from your system for further analysis in for example R or SPSS |
Download anonimised data from all tenants in your system | Download data from all tenants in your system. Ideal if you are a test publisher or large organisation that wants to do test research on your data. You can also download data from a single tenant. |
Advanced filter options | Download only the data you need, for example specific sessions or a specific test |
Download all or only variable data | Download all data including specific settings on questions, or only that variable part which in most cases contains the answers |
Single row per session format | A session’s data is automatically flattened into a single row of data. |
Highly compatible output format | A comma separated or tab separated file is supported |
ITR multi tenant support
You can use the ITR just for your organisation. You can create separate accounts for a customer or another department if needed. This customer or tenant will get a completely separate system where access to another tenant’s system is completely shielded. This tenant can use the tests and reports that you decide to share with them, so they do not have to built them in again.
Using multi tenant support is optional.
Feature | Your advantage |
Manage tenants | Support multiple customers or departements on a single ITR system |
Record key customer and fiscal information | You will be able to record all required information for invoicing and contacting your customer |
Set customer options | You can specify customer options enabling key functionalitiies |
Enable MFA | With Multi Factor Authentication enabled all consultants working for this customer will need to enter an additional numeric code generated by for example the Microsoft Autheticator app on their smartphone. This is required in some jurisdictions for storing sensitive candidate data like test results. |
Set low credit warning levels | Set low credit warning levels. The customer will receive an e-mail from the sytem when their credit runs low. |
Override default test costs | Default test costs are set on the test. If you make a special arrangement with a customer for costs for a specific test then you can specify that in credit units. |
Allow negative credits | You can set a customer to allow to get a negative credit level. For example for a testing account, or if you have made different invoicing arrangements with this customer. |
Grant credits | You can grant credit units to this customer |
Single account multiple customer support | If you have an account with multiple organisations in the same ITR installation you can synchronise your password by resetting the password. Then on login you will be asked for the organisation that you would like to work with in that session. |
ITR invoicing support
If you want to charge customers or consultants for using your test then you will need the invoicing support in the ITR. The ITR system does not support invoicing money, instead it use credit units which represent a certain amount of money that you determine. You will grant the credit units to a company and invoice this customer using your regular administrative software or procedure.
Using invoicing is optional.
Feature | Your advantage |
The customer can order credit by mail | You will receive an e-mail with the credit units the customer requires. This is the point in time where you start the invoicing process. You can invoice before delivering credit units or afterwards, depending on the credit worthiness of your customer. |
The customer can view granted credit orders | The customer always has a clear overview when they received credit units. You can enter a text with every credit grant with for example a purchase order id. The customer will be able to see this. |
View credit usage | The customer can view detailed usage of credit units including the session and the candidate information |
Download credit usage | The customer can download the credit usage details in CSV format for further analysis in for example Microsoft Excel or OpenOffice Calc |
Credit usage at server level | A consolidated view of credit usage per month per customer is available for the current year and 2 years back. This overview is ideal to monitor credit consumption per customer or per test. It can also be used to pay for used tests to a third party. The information can be downloaded in CSV format as well. |
ITR e-mail management
Most communication with candidates and consultants from the ITR is e-mail based. For this purpose the ITR supports e-mail templates which can be tailored to your needs.
Using e-mails and the e-mail template system is optional.
Feature | Your benefit |
E-mail templates can be set up for specific contexts | E-mails are generated in a context, for example when inviting a candidate for a session. For a context you can define an e-mail template. So you do cannot accidentally select a template that is not suitable for your context. |
E-mail templates can contain layout | An e-mail template can contain formatted text, meaning that you can highlight text, make it bold, use different fonts, tables et cetera. |
E-mail templates can contains dynamic fields | A dynamic field is a field that is filled by the system when the template is used to generate an e-mail. An example of such a field is the candidate name, the password, or the e-mail address of the consultant. |
E-mail templates can be written for multiple languages | In international settings e-mail templates often need to be available in different languages. You can easily switch the generated e-mail to a different language so you can serve your candidate better. |
E-mail templates can be defined at the ITR installation level | Normally you define e-mail templates for your organisation. You can define e-mail templates that can be used by all tenants on your ITR installation. This will save you time in setting up e-mail templates for each individual organisation. |
E-mail templates can be defined at for a consultant personally | In case a consultant uses another invitation template then the usual one they can change that to accomodate their own needs. |
E-mail audit trail | An audit trail of e-mails sent by the system is stored for 90 days. In case a candidate or consultant wants to know if a specific e-mail has been sent you can use the audit trail to answer this question. |
Support for visually handicapped people
Feature | Your benefit |
Office dark mode | High contrast mode allows people with difficulties to see black text on a white background as white text on a black background |
Office and Test Taking zoom | Both test taking and the office environment are designed to zoom until the level needed. Hourglasses can be used to see text in more detail. |
Test Taking screen reader support | A test can be taken fully using a screen reader. The candidate will use the tab and shift+tab key to navigate. Buttons can be pressed with enter. Arrow keys can be used for selecting options. With a little instruction and help blind people can take tests on the ITR. |
ITR system integration features
The ITR has an external API to integrate with your IT landscape. This API is tailored to your needs and facilitates setting up sessions and other functionalities.
Using system integration features is optional.
ITR test building
The ITS support building in tests in many ways. The test is in general constructed as a series of screens. A screen can have a layout and is constructed of screen components. All screen components are based on a template, which you can define in the system as well. A screen component in general contains an answer to some question, or the result of an experiment. Any type of media supported by browsers can be used in the test, for example images and videos.
A test is scored by evaluating the answers given to the question. This ends up as a score on a test scale, where any type and any amount of test scales is supported. This is called a raw score.
The raw score can be projected against a reference group, which is called norming. The norm can be built into the ITR. Any form of norm is supported. Including stacked norms, super scales, norming of norms et cetera.
Adaptive tests are supported, intermediate scoring and norming is supported, secure testing (no scoring and norming rules are downloaded into the candidate session) is supported, and many other features.
The feature list of the test editor is too long to display here. If you have want to know if your tests are supported then contact our sales consultant. If your test looks anything like a test commonly used in the market place then the answer is most likely that the ITR supports it.
ITR test screen template building
As described in the previous paragraph a test is composed of screens and a screen is composed of screen components based on templates.
You can create these templates yourself. Whether it is a simple list of options, a text to display or an advanced item template to allow dragging and dropping options, you can create them! Styling options using CSS styles are supported as well. You can generate a screen template based on HTML or by using custom javascript code.
The screen template builder is a complex instrument that is packed with features that are too extensive to discuss in here. If you have any questions or would like a demonstration as part of your purchasing process then our sales consultant is happy to do that for you.
ITR report building
A test is nice, and for some tests presenting the raw or normed scale scores is sufficient. If you require a report for your test then you can use the narrative report writer embedded in the system.
The report writer support layouting the text (bold, font types, tables et cetera), inserting graphs and other media. If your test requires renorming or calculating derived scores then that is supported as well.
The report writer is an instrument that supports many features that are too extensive to discuss in here. If you have any questions or would like a demonstration as part of your purchasing process then our sales consultant is happy to do that for you.
Internationalisation features
The ITR is fully translatable in any language you would like. All inputs in the system support any language. So whether you are used to English or Chinese, the system will support it.
For the test and report editor there are features to support translating into another language. This is also supported for texts in the interface. For there kind of translation functionalities a Microsoft Azure account is needed.
Feature | Your advantage |
All open source | No licensing costs ever |
Standard well known technology | Any IT person can work with the system |
Single page application | The ITR is a single page web application with a plugin architecture. It has been optimised for quick load times by loading only required plugins depending on your usage as either candidate or consultant. |
Python API backend | The back end of the system is written in Pyhon. This python API enforces the security settings as defined by the role of the consultant or candidate in the back end. For example : a candidate will never be able to send a mail. Or : a consultant which is not allowed to see a candidate’s password will never be able to retrieve this from the API. |
Flexible setup | Can run on a single server or on cloud infrastructure. Scales from very small to very large organisations. |
Resilient architecture | Even works on infrastructure that is less reliable. |
Consistent design language | Recognisable and easy to use system, even for inexperienced users |
Support for the visually impaired | Dark mode makes the system more useable for this group |